Our Town

A Candidate's Journey in Our Town by John McKay - Have you seen my little friend?

We’ve been living in Jackson Oaks about five years now. Kind of gotten to know some our neighbors but like so many we’re busy so it’s mostly just a friendly wave and at most a short chat. Maybe someday that’ll change.

 However we have one neighbor that we’ve gotten to know pretty well over the years, I call him Arthur because he is a dashing fellow.

 He’s a true native Californian. With big beautiful brown eyes and thick shiny hair he could be a model. His jaunty gate and

A Candidate's Journey in Our Town by John McKay - It's Not Always a Level Playing Field

So what just happened that made me spill my milk? The Morgan Hill Times has published a couple of articles where I don’t think all parties were treated equally, neither the issues nor the people involved which includes all candidates and sitting councilmembers too. Not quite a drive by shooting, kind of closer to a Vespa rider with a whiffle ball bat whacking you up side the head, looks harmless but still hurts.

A Candidate's Journey in Our Town by John McKay - A Level Playing Field?

As a candidate I’m finding out you want every opportunity to shine, prove that you understand the issues, and are prepared to make the decisions that are best for the community. The variables you control in doing this are your message, how often you get in front of the public with events/walking door to door/social media, your visibility in signage/ads/website, and how much money you earn to do all that.